Americas RISE for Health

Overview: Americas RISE for Health (RISE) is an annual, multisectoral forum that harnesses the collective strengths of the region’s private sector and civil society in partnership with the region’s governments to build sustainable health economies and ecosystems. 

Mission: To identify, catalyze, and accelerate multisectoral collaborations that can be pursued on a voluntary basis to help bring about the resilient health ecosystems and economies that the Americas deserve.

Background: On the eve of the IX Summit of the Americas, hosted by President Biden in Los Angeles, the United States announced the establishment of complementary mechanisms to bolster resiliency of the hemisphere’s health economies and ecosystems: the multisectoral Americas RISE for Health  and government-only Economy & Health Dialogue of the Americas  Together, RISE and EHA represent novel complementary efforts that focus the region’s governments, private sector and civil society on shared challenges and opportunities to build resilient, inclusive, sustainable, equitable (RISE) health economies and ecosystems.

RISE 1 (20 March 2023, Panama City, Panama): The U.S. Department of Commerce convened RISE 1 on 20 March 2023 in Panama City, Panama, with the support of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and in partnership with the Americas Business Dialogue Health Working Group and the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (REDLAD).

  • Consensus Statement : A consensus statement was memorialized to identify, catalyze, and accelerate multisectoral collaborations that can help bring about the resilient health ecosystems and economies that the Americas deserve.
  • Participants : The collective perspectives of 11 governments, 25 private sector entities, 20 civil society organizations and academia (157 participants) were incorporated in the consensus statement. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) also participated in RISE I.

Video message from The Honorable Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce.

Pillar Workstreams:

  • Trade and Investment: Capturing Health Investment and Manufacturing & Generating More Jobs in the Americas
  • Regulatory Improvements: Good Regulatory Practices (GRPs) and Regulatory Convergence
  • Sustainable Health Systems: Enabling Efficient, Effective, and Innovative Health Financing
  • Ethics: The Foundation of Healthy Economies and Ecosystems
  • Equity and Inclusivity: Creating Better Health for All Communities
  • Digital Health: Making Healthcare More Accessible, Affordable, and Scalable

Participation: Participation in RISE is open to representatives from countries invited to the Summit of the Americas. Given the cross-cutting nature of bolstering resiliency in the hemisphere’s health economies and ecosystems, we invite participation at the ministerial or vice-ministerial level from official agencies of social concerns (including health, welfare, science, and gender) commerce, finance, investment, trade, foreign affairs, and others as deemed appropriate.  Members of the Joint Summit Working Group such as OAS, PAHO, and IDB are also invited.  Given the key role of private sector and civil society to achieving RISE objectives, their participation is welcome and organized through the Americas Business Dialogue (ABD) and Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia (REDLAD).

Contact: Olivia Burzynska-Hernandez, RISE Technical Secretariat,