On February 10-11, 2022, the 5th Ministerial Meeting of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) was held in a hybrid format in Panama City, Panama.
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The Americas Business Dialogue hosted the Third Plenary Session and two side events focusing on policies to accelerate energy transitions and funnel investment towards sustainable and reliable energy solutions in the Americas.

During the public-private plenary session, representatives of the ABD engaged in a constructive dialogue with ministers regarding policy recommendations around a set of topics deemed a priority (Grid Flexibility and Resilience, Regional Integration, Technology and Innovation, Net Zero Transition, Circular Economy). Looking ahead at the IX Summit of the Americas, the Energy and Natural Resources Working Group distributed a document with recommendations for the leader to engage in the discussion.
Through the -Developing regional supply chains for zero and low carbon energy sources- side event, an avid discussion ensued around the region’s competitive advantages, as well as the policies and investments that countries should prioritize to facilitate the processing, manufacturing, and assembly of low and zero-carbon energy components to facilitate the scaling of sustainable solutions and improve the resilience of the sector’s supply chains.
Also, a great discussion arose in the side event -Achieving a net-zero future for Latin America and the Caribbean- about how Latin American countries have made significant strides towards decarbonizing their economies and the need for private-public partnerships to achieve net-zero.
Check out the events here.